Domain Authority (DA)

Domain Authority (DA) is a metric developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs). It is measured on a scale from 1 to 100, with higher scores indicating a greater likelihood that the website will rank highly on SERPs. The metric is based on a variety of factors, including the number and quality of backlinks pointing to the website, the relevance of the website's content to the search query, and the overall trustworthiness of the domain. Domain Authority is a useful tool for website owners and SEO professionals to evaluate the strength of their website's online presence and to identify areas for improvement.

Page Authority (PA)

Page Authority (PA) is another metric developed by Moz that predicts how well a specific page on a website will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs). It is also measured on a scale from 1 to 100, with higher scores indicating a greater likelihood that the page will rank highly on SERPs. Like DA, PA is based on several factors, including the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to the page, the relevance of the page's content to the search query, and the overall trustworthiness of the domain. Page Authority can help website owners and SEO professionals to evaluate the strength of individual pages on their website and to determine which pages need improvement.

High Quality Backlinks

High quality backlinks are links from other websites that point to your website. These links are considered high quality when they come from reputable websites that have a high domain authority themselves, are relevant to your website's content, and are obtained through natural means rather than manipulative tactics. High quality backlinks are important for SEO because search engines like Google use them as an indicator of the authority and trustworthiness of a website. When you have more high quality backlinks pointing to your website, it can improve your search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to your site.

Domain Authority DA Service

Domain Authority Service

in Raniput India

Are you a small business owner looking for professional Domain Authority (DA) service ?

Look no further! We have a top-notch Domain Authority (DA) service right here in Raniput India, with an impressive 18+ years of experience in the industry.

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any business. A higher DA score suggests a greater likelihood of ranking higher in SERP results, which can lead to increased organic traffic and ultimately increase your revenue. With so much at stake, it's important to choose a Domain Authority (DA) service that you can trust.

Our SEO backlinks are high-quality backlinks and have high DA ratings from Wiki and Web 2.0 Blog sites with relevant articles and contextual links. Get multi-tiered backlinks, 2 Tier backlinks and 3 Tier backlinks and boost your keywords to rank on top in Google and other search engines.

Our SEO backlinks works are compatible with the latest Google SEO algorithm updates and are 100% manually added. For instance, we perform time-consuming tasks such as link placement, link tracking, and replacement of lost links with our complete manual operations.

Get the SEO backlink packages from us to rank 1st page on Google, Bing, Yahoo and other Search Engines.


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Website Development Services

Our Services


Web 2.0 backlinks are powerful ways to help control the conversation of content that’s directed to a website. These backlinks are from high authoritative domains, and, in addition, contextual links in blogs can carry some serious ranking power to your website.

Web 2.0 Backlinks


Wiki Backlinks can serve as one of SEO’s most effective link building. Increase your keywords ranking fast and get quality traffic when linked to wiki sites. Moreover, these wiki sites have a good reputation on Google, with exemplary visitors from all around the world.

Wiki Backlinks


Backlinks are basically more powerful SEO strategies, from creating links to indexing. A value of backlinks is when it gets indexed on Google or similar search engines. In addition, we use ping servers and other indexing services, social media signals & web 2.0 indexing methods.

Free Backlink Indexing


Our free website traffic comes along with the backlinks packages. Certainly, you will get good quality traffic from our backlinks. As a result, your website will get good organic traffic & social network traffic. On the other hand, this free traffic will help your site increase its ranking on search engines.

Traffic to Website


Backlink Works will create backlink reports in an Excel document with detailed Whitelabel reports for you to track every single link. In addition, the backlinks report will be sent to your email on completion of work. Are you reselling to clients? Add your logo and send it to your clients.

Full White-Label Reports


Tiered backlinks are created to increase the amount of link juice passed from your backlink profile to your website. For example, Tier 1 backlink points to your main website, a few Tier 2 backlinks point to a Tier 1 backlink, and a few Tier 3 backlinks point to each Tier 2 backlink.

Multi-Tier Backlinks


FAQ Domain Authority


Pull up a domain authority tool, like Moz’s free Link Explorer tool, Majestic’s Site Explorer, or Domain Rating from Ahrefs. Type your URL into the search bar. Analyze the data that the tool gives you.
Scores between 40 and 50 are considered average. Domain Authority between 50 and 60 must be rated as good. Scores above 60 rate the Domain Authority as excellent.
It could be months before your strategies for increasing domain authority start paying off. That’s because it takes time to optimize your website, get higher-quality backlinks, and build out good content on your site. Boosting your domain’s authority is a long-term strategy, not a quick solution to poor performance in the SERPs.
Your domain authority ranking can drop because of several factors, such as: Getting involved in a link scheme: Your domain authority can decrease dramatically if you buy or sell links, use automated link-creating tools, or exchange links excessively. Having lots of low-quality links: If spammy sites link to your domain, it could harm your score. Experiencing domain technical issues: Slow site speed, broken links, or other issues can also lower domain authority. Improved competitor performance: Finally, your domain authority could also decrease if your competitors start performing better in the SERPs.
For the last several years, multiple companies have devised their own domain reputation ranking tools that aim to measure the same thing but are named things like “domain reputation” or “site authority.” It’s important to note that one tool’s domain authority ranking scores likely won’t align with those of another. Whichever metric of page health you use, be sure to keep it consistent.
Typically, the recommended frequency for checking your domain authority is about once a month. This frequency allows you to track changes over time without getting overwhelmed by constant monitoring.

Backlink Works

Link Building Process

Buy Backlinks Package

Select your required backlink package from Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 packages. Enter your website URL, Keywords list, Image (optional) & Youtube URL (optional) and submit. You can also upload your own articles, or we will create keyword-related articles for you.

Link Building Work Starts

At this stage order status will be “Processing“. We will research your website and keywords and create keywords related articles, check for Plagiarism and spin the articles so that every blog will look different. And post it on various blog sites by adding contextual links within the articles. All links will be 100% do-follow.

Verify & Submit for Indexing

Once backlinks are created, links are verified and submitted for indexing. This is a very important process, and we use many methods to index your backlinks. This process takes time but is necessary.


At this final stage order status will change to "Completed". White-label reports are created in an Excel document and sent to your email. Reports will have a list of backlinks and indexing details.